So... another year to start off. Wonder what this one will bring?
Life has been pretty darn good here in The Gulch... at least me and My Lady feel that way! Weather-wise we've had a little bit of snow and some rain but we can certainly use more moisture before the summer months hit us. We have our health and our loved ones appear to be healthy as well. Work still comes in... sometimes a mere trickle... sometimes a nice steady flow.
The Town is moving right along. I find it quite amusing to read some the "Jerome, Arizona" Google alerts I receive from time to time. There are evidently many people from all over the planet who write in their blogs or Twitter, Facebook and such that are now experts on our little community. I've lived here for over 25 years and I know I don't have it completely figured out... so I am thankful that I can read the numerous postings on the Internet to learn what is actually happening.
I'm looking forward to playing more gigs this year. I've got some new equipment as well as some new material to try out. Always an adventure! The new year feels promising I must say. Of course, I'm basically a positive kind of guy so it always looks somewhat promising from my perspective!
I hope this year provides us all with reasons to think and act positively. As the good news comes to the surface I will do my best to report on those episodes that have bearing on us here in Deception Gulch.
In the mean time... "Play honest. Be good. Keep a song in your heart."
Maintain, co-exist and; Rise Above It All!