Thursday, January 31, 2019

Haapy New Year

So here's an interesting development... I am now playing bass with a couple of old friends! Slim Chance & Dave Rentz, two gents that I have known for years, are now my band mates and we are having a great time. Slim plays guitar and is basically the anchor man for the group as it is his style and repertoire that drives the band. His particular style is difficult for me to describe so I will provide this YouTube link (from many years ago) to give you a rough idea:

Dave is a percussionist more than just a drummer and quite simply the best drummer I have ever played along side. I hold down the bass (my favorite instrument) and we have recently had the privilege of having the company of Bruce Wandmayer join us with his pedal steel guitar and sax.

Our little quartet has not arrived on a name as yet but we have secured a small regular gig at a very nice club nearby so... we'll just let it cook and see what happens.

More as it happens...